The Binary 。:●൦:* (18 Aug - 17 Sep)

。:●൦:* A new season begins in Palm Garden, ushering in a moment of shifting tides and attractions.
The Binary 。:●൦:* (18 Aug - 17 Sep)
Supportive - Social - Collaborative
Two stars visible in the sky beyond Palm Garden exist in a dance, sharing gasses and materials to create a partner system. While this collaboration can be volatile at times, together they will someday create an amazing spectacle… a supernova. This season is characterized by socialization for Inklings as the harmony of The Convergence breaks and tides become unpredictable as the gravitational forces fluctuate between the two dancing stars.
Inklings that emerge under the sign of The Binary are amazing collaborators. They seek out partners in creativity and life, and can form deep, exciting bonds. The shadow of this strength is that they can become anxious, grumpy or unmotivated without the feedback of others.
The second season in Palm Garden’s year begins as the sky shifts out of balance and The Binary takes prominence in the sky. These twin stars spin and orbit one another in an eternal dance, pushing one another away and drawing close again. As this shift occurs, the lands of Palm Garden become more unpredictable - as the tides of The Binary’s gravity pull at the shape of each land. For Inklings, these changes cause different personalities to react in different ways. The year’s first issues are revealed, and discord begins to ring out as new ideas are discussed. While some will seek out conflict, others will pursue the mysteries in the lands beyond as shifting sands might reveal buried secrets.
It’s a good time to: Bring new ideas to light It’s a bad time to: Stand in one place too long
Everything changes.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Nothing is truly strong until it’s challenged.
What do the stars have in store for your Inkling during The Binary?
The Binary 。:●൦:* (18 Aug - 17 Sep) Supportive, Social, Collaborative
As the partner stars rise in the sky, you’ll be inspired to reach beyond yourself, Binaries. Seek out other Inklings to chat, argue… love???? You’ll want to learn where your relationships might lead during this season. But make sure you’re listening to your partners and if you push too hard, or clutch too tight, they might not want to stick around.
The Nova ━ ⋇ ━ (18 Sep - 17 Oct) Expansive, Esoteric, Visionary
As you track the motion of the skies, the paths of the year’s signs are beginning to reveal what’s to come. Keep your eyes on the motion of the world and you may find clues to the next steps in your journey. Make sure you occasionally look at the path immediately in front of you though or you might trip and fall flat on your face.
The Galaxy ・○o。. (18 Oct - 17 Nov) Grounded, Insightful, Complex
While some Inklings think The Convergence is the most beautiful season in Palm Garden, Galaxies know that there’s always something new and delightful around the corner. While the lands were calm and everything seemed so simple, you knew that gems were hidden under the surface. As sands shift, get out into the territories and find that buried treasure.
The Comet ⋆ˊˎ- (18 Nov - 17 Dec) Impulsive, Brilliant, Shrewd
As the stars move out of their alignment and start their rapid motions through the sky, Comets can breathe out a sigh of relief. Their natural energy and motion feel like they’re in the flow of things once more, and no matter where your journey takes you no place you visit will feel the same way twice.
The Nebula ◦∘ ൦∘ ◦ (18 Dec - 17 Jan) Broad-minded, Resourceful, Dreamy
Perfection is an illusion, and Nebulas know this more than most. There’s always another rotation and an opportunity for new elements to intersect into something original even if it’s messy. As the Binary rises, check in on your friends - some handle the change of seasons better than others, and feeling included and invited will keep those connections from disappearing.
The Moon 。˚☽˚。 (18 Jan - 17 Feb) Reflective, Magnetic, Instinctual
Is the tango of the Binary making you wonder if there’s a partner for you out there, Moons? Not everyone needs that direct push and pull to be inspired, but for some, it can be exhilarating. It’s a good time to put yourself out there and bounce ideas off other Inklings, you don’t need to put labels on anything yet, but is there creative chemistry with anyone you’d like to spend more time with?
The Seven Sisters ・゚゚・。∘ ゚(18 Feb - 17 Mar) Celebrative, Warm, Poetic
During the Convergence, it’s easy to forget that keeping social bonds together isn’t easy. While you might love the closeness, the seasons turn and other Inklings need to recharge. Don’t take it personally if other Inklings are pulling back or staying in their niches. Reach out and let them know you’re excited to see them again, but sometimes pressure can make others withdraw longer. There’ll be another opportunity to play together soon.
The North Star -: ✧ :- (18 Mar - 17 Apr) Focused, Strategic, Perceptive
As the season turns and the year is underway, it’s a great moment to reach out to Inklings with ideas and dare we suggest… projects? The enthusiasm of the new year still lingers and while you’ve probably got a vision board all set others are finding their footing and might enjoy collaborating on something new.
The Field .・:*:・゚(18 Apr - 17 May) Adventurous, Dynamic, Curious
The lands are shifting with the new season, Fields, and you’ll find yourself captivated with the new discoveries bubbling to the surface. While you hop from shiny object to shiny object, don’t forget to tell others about your adventure. Make sure to swing by the Primordial Soup Kitchen, or to log any issues you encounter. It’s everyone’s job to help identify the new and emerging landscape.
The Rings : ・ ┉ ൦┉。 (18 May - 17 Jun) Melodious, Captivating, Refined
Does the break in harmony bring discord or new melodies? Is the song of the Binary an atonal duet or pure cacophony? The renewed movement of the signs can be unsettling, and it’s easy to feel anxiety when the tune shifts. Can you embrace a free-form jazz mood and riff on the new season? Sometimes you might need to take a rest before you chime in again.
The Eclipse ━●━ (18 Jun - 17 July) Oblique, Exciting, Connecters
You’re starting to feel like yourself again, Eclipse, with the chaotic twists and turns of the Binary guide the vibe. Secrets are surfacing and new mysteries are waiting in the lands beyond your niche. The impulse to rush out there is strong, but remember that discovery is a social process. As you identify new things - share them with others? What is your story? Inquiring Inklings want to know!
The Convergence ˚•♦•˚(18 July - 17 Aug) Balanced, Harmonious, Observant
As your season closes and a new part of the year begins, it’s easy to feel let down. But don’t quit, rest! Hopefully you’ve made new friends and drawn inspiration from your explorations. Take time to document your ideas, bring them to the table in the Alphanian Forum! If you need time to think and craft something new this is a wonderful season to do it.
To learn more about the world of Palm Garden and the Inklings, join the community on Discord, or learn more here.